Ghost Stories - Volume 3

Stories On This Page

Description: The Strangest Experience of my Life Description: Ghosts in the dictionary
Description: Grandpa visits Description: The Guests
Description: The Sitter Sees It Description: The Answering Machine
Description: The Presence in the Swamp Description: Doesn't Disturb The Ghosts

The Strangest Experience of my Life

The Strangest Experience of my Life

I was a junior in college in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in February 1990. I was going through a lot that year, I suffered a brutal physical attack and I was contemplating quitting school. I was quite depresses so I decided to go for a walk.

The local cemetery was a mile from campus,so I put on my headphones and walked there. This cemetery is quite large and I got directly in the middle of it, when I saw a small child of about five years old with curly blonde locks, a beautiful frilly party dress, no shoes and no coat. She was quite a distance away, but she looked directly at me and waved. My first response was to look around for the kid's parents because she wasn't dressed warm enough for this very cold day. There was absolutely no one else in the cemetery. When I turned back to look at the little girl there was absolutely no one there. I looked around the headstones for a few minutes but I couldn't find here.

It started getting dark and I had a really frightened, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach so I got back to my dorm room as soon as I could. When I got home I told my roommate and the rest of my friends what had happened and we all tried to think of an explanation for this, but of course, we couldn't. It still bothered me for a few days, but I tried to ignore it. About three days later, I had a dream about that little girl, she told me that her name was Clara, she was family and that she was my guardian angel. She also told me that she was protecting me with a white light and that no harm would come to me if I just held on a little longer.

The next day, I called my mother and told her of the cemetery incident and of my dream. Unknown to me my aunt was making her yearly visit at the time. When I told my mother the name of the little girl, she said, "Oh,my God" and then she turned to my aunt and asked her some questions. It turned out that my mother was a little girl during the depression and they were very poor. My grandparents had about 11 children, but only three survived past the age of six. One of those children who died was named Clara. She was five years old and the only child in the family born with blonde hair.

Every word of this story is absolutely true.

Thanks for letting me tell my story,

Ghosts in the dictionary

The ghost experience I had was very spooky.

I am an Israeli. One week ago I printed a ghost story. While reading it I used an electronic English - Hebrew dictionary. It should have been rare for me to meet a word I didn't understand. And suddenly I met a word I didn't understand.

I turned on the dictionary and looked for the word . After I got the definition for the word I turned off the dictionary. After I read few lines more I met another word that I didn't understand. So when I came to turn on the dictionary I saw it was already turned on and on the screen appeared the last word I tried to find ( I can't remember the word ). I am 100 percent sure I turned it off.

I didn't pay attention to this and started to looking for the new word. I pushed the 'clear' button in vain to knock a new word. When I pushed the button the word was erased and instead of a clear screen appeared the word "GHOST".

It was as if the ghost came out from the printed paper. I tried to push the 'clear' button again to erase the word but it didn't vanish. Only after I turned the dictionary on and off twice the word vanished. I don't have an explanation for this event but I wish it won't happen to me or to anybody else again.

Grandpa visits

The following is a true story that happened to my friend when he was in the ninth grade.

His grandfather had just died, and he was thinking of him a lot. A couple of weeks after his death, my friend woken up in the middle of the night by a sound. He got up, and went to the living room to see what the sound was. He looked in the chair, and there was his grandfather, or what looked like his grandfather. He said that he was coming for his dad soon.

This scared him to the point where he just waled off and went back to bed. This isn't any kind of outstanding story, but the really weird part is that the same night that my friend saw this ghost, his aunt saw the same thing, except he was standing above her new baby. He told her that it was a nice looking baby and he then said the same thing that he told my friend about coming for my friends dad next.

The next morning my friend and his aunt exchanged stories. They both thought it was their imagination until they found out that it had happened to both of them and the same exact things were said by the ghost!

The Guests

( The author is unknown, because it was just in a folklore book of unknown authors or anonymous authors.)

A young man and his wife were on a trip to visit his mother. Usually they arrived in time for supper. But they had gotten a late start, and now it was getting dark. So they decided to look for a place to stay overnight and go on in the morning.

Just off the road, they saw a small house in the woods. "Maybe they rent rooms," the wife said. So they stopped to ask. An elderly man and woman came to the door. They didn't rent rooms, they said. But they would be glad to have them stay overnight as their guests. They had plenty of room, and they would enjoy the company. The old woman made coffee and brought out some cake, and the four of them talked for awhile. Then the young couple were taken to their room. They again explained that they wanted to pay for this, but the old man said he would not accept any money.

The young couple got up early the next morning before their hosts had awakened. On a table near the front door, they left an envelope with some money in it for the room. Then they went on to the next town. They stopped in a restaurant a nd had breakfast. When they told the owner where they had stayed, he was shocked. "That can't be," he said. "That house burned to the ground, and the man and the woman who lived there died in the fire."

The young couple could not believe it. So they went back to the house. Only now there was no house. All they found was a burned-out shell. They stood staring at the ruins trying to understand what had happened. Then the woman screamed. In the rubble was a badly burned table, like the one they had seen by the front door. On the table was the envelope they had left that morning.

Retold by Roy G Biv (me)